Thursday, January 22, 2009


Hi again folks. Before I launch on the topic at hand, I want to thank you yahoos for your responses to my last blog. Fifteen emails and IMs during the first hour it was published is phenomenal for a readership of this size. What’s even more gratifying to me is that they came from all over the States, Canada and the U.K. You said you felt the same way and several told me I said it well. That tells me I’m doing my job for you folks. I need to hear that once in awhile. Thank you.

I watched most of the Inaugural, off and on. I was online looking for work in the Seattle area and places to publish the other stuff I write. Even though I know that most of us enjoyed that national celebration, I’m also well aware that some of you, for whatever reasons, did not. So I’m not going to talk about that. Instead, I’m going to address our newly elected national executive. Yeah, I know this will never actually reach him, but play along with me, okay?

Happy Second Day of Work For Us, Mr. President. Do a good job over the next one hundred and I’ll call you Mr. Obama. If you’re still cool by Christmas, you’ll be Barack after that and if and until we find out that a mistake was intentional. We know you and your team are going to make some. You’ve said so and we know that because we’ve made some too.

We’re not looking for you to be a hero, Mr. President. In this country, a lot of them get killed and that’s not something I think needs to continue, with all due respect. Americans don’t need heroes, as you well know. We’re a nation of them.

I’m glad you made it, Barak. Since childhood, you’ve been caring about folks on BOTH sides of the color line and if ever this country needed that extended to the International Community, it’s now. I read about what you did in your dad’s part of Africa back last year and I remember thinking, ‘If ever there’s a potential president who can negotiate, this guy Obama is it.’ And I was a Hillary supporter at the time. Please don’t forget that skill’s needed at home too, Mr. President.

Barack, we know it’s not going to be easy helping us get back on our feet financially. People are skeptical of bailouts. They’re not donations, they’re loans. Remind all concerned of that too, Mr. President?

Well, like my last letter to Santa Claus, I’d best keep this brief.
(Don’t even go there, guys). Sooo, in summation and stuff.

Mr. President, keep your end of the contract. We’ll keep ours. And please don’t forget who you work for.

Thanks for the ear, then, folks, and until next time.



Beth said...

You know...I really think he's going to do well. He seems to be grounded enough that he will remember why he wanted this crazy gig in the first place. I believe he loves our country and wants to help it. I'm looking forward to seeing what he can do. I'm sure there will be failures along with the successes--contrary to what some believe, I don't think he's Superman OR the Messiah--but I hope he can get a higher percentage of the latter.

All my best,

Unknown said...

I support the office of the President and will support our new President Obama. This man who agreed to lead a nation and is a proponent of change has a lot on his plate. It is time to move forward now and get to the business at hand and changes. What struck me was the call for service. I wonder how many will answer that call, both white and black. I wish him well.
Also I want to say thank you to George W. Bush. May this past president and now as a civilian be one of peace. God Speed, Mr. Bush.
